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Bad odour from the shower drain, here’s how to get rid of it in 3 minutes

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Bad smell in the bathroom? It could be coming from the shower drain, let’s see what the causes could be and how to eliminate it.

Bad smells from the drain
Many times, despite being perfectly clean, our bathroom still gives us a bad smell . It can happen that the source is actually the shower drain. What to do then?

Bad smells in the bathroom.
Although most of the time it is the toilet that is to blame, sometimes the real culprit of bad smells is the unthinkable shower. Getting rid of unpleasant odours is not difficult, just a few non-aggressive remedies to help preserve the drains and pipes.

The bathroom is the most used room in the house. If you think about how many times you pass through it, even just to wash your hands, it goes without saying that its frequent use makes it particularly prone to the build-up of germs and bacteria. And despite taking care to clean it as well as possible, it’s often not enough, because an unpleasant odour can linger in the air that refuses to go away. It is common to blame the toilet, while very often it is the drains, especially the shower drains, that are to blame. But why him? The reasons are different and it is important to identify the cause of unpleasant odours in order to know the best way to act.

Smelly shower drain
First of all it is necessary to investigate the well in the bathroom. First check that the point where the waste water collects is completely drained. If it isn’t, it’s time to give it a good clean, ridding it of all the hair, detergents and drool that create the snag. You will easily get rid of the persistent bad smell.

However, if you are connected to the sewage system and do not have a septic tank, the problem could be down to your plumbing.

First of all, you need to check that the shower trap is in good condition and does not need to be replaced. If it is damaged, it will not do its job properly, i.e. it will block the development of odours. Once the problem has been identified, it is easy to take action.

How to eliminate unpleasant odours in the shower
The smell of sewage in the bathroom is certainly not a pleasant thing. There are times when it gets stronger and stronger and can even affect the smell in the rest of your home. Identifying the causes of sewer odour is the first essential step in understanding how to take action. Once the problem has been identified and established, there are a number of ways to take action.

Bad smell in the bathroom
A simple solution is undoubtedly to go to the supermarket and buy a drain cleaner or odour eliminator, but bear in mind that these are chemical products and using them incorrectly or too frequently can end up damaging the pipes. If, on the other hand, you prefer more environmentally friendly remedies, there are several natural and homemade ways that can be used and their effectiveness is more than guaranteed.

The products you will need are probably already in your pantry, these are baking soda and white vinegar. Let’s see how they can be used in a foolproof method.

Natural odour remedies
Once you have established that the problem is not siphon related but rather an increase in odours due to stagnation in your pipes, you can proceed with natural remedies. In addition to preserving your pipes, these will not release chemical odours into the environment and will also save you some money.

vinegar and baking soda against bad smells
If you choose to use baking soda, known to eliminate odours naturally, and vinegar, you will need hot water. Take a bowl, pour some hot, not boiling water into it and then add 5 tablespoons of baking soda and a glass of white vinegar. As soon as you add the two ingredients, they will trigger a chemical reaction, so you will see foam forming. Take advantage of this and pour the solution directly into the drain. For 30 minutes do not turn on the water and let the mixture work.

When you see white foam coming out of the drain, it means that the compound has risen and has done its job of cleaning the drain. At this point, after 30 minutes, you can pour boiling water down the drain and say goodbye to the bad smell coming out of the drain.

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