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Oleander: carry out these 6 essential actions to make it bloom longer!

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Do you want to enjoy the magnificent flowers of your oleander throughout the fall ? After summer, it is possible to extend this floral period by taking these few practical steps.

Oleander is a treasure of Mediterranean gardens! Thanks to its vibrant flowers and pretty appearance, this plant can be found in many outdoor spaces.

If you grow this plant at home, you will simply love its flowering period which can last until fall. To take full advantage of this flowering, here are some tips to follow to the letter for a long-lasting flower garden.

Oleander: a precious plant for a Mediterranean look

Oleander is one of the most common flowering shrubs in French gardens. We love its shades of color ranging from powder pink to fuchsia which add a note of color and elegance to any outdoor space.

Also known as Nerium oleander scientifically , oleander is a plant that flowers during the summer. This means that this shrub offers a palette of pretty flowers during the summer months , more precisely from June to September.

It even happens that this flowering continues during the fall season if you treat your plants properly. Currently, you must take care of your oleander so that its flowering continues until fall.

How to take care of your oleander?

After the high temperatures of August , you must take good care of your oleander so that its flowering period can continue for several more weeks.

To do this, you must water your plant well while trying to fertilize it properly. Small pruning is also necessary to encourage the production of new flowers. But not only.

What are the essential actions to enjoy long-lasting flowering?

  • Make a larger pruning to sculpt the shape of your shrub.
  • Apply fertilizer every two weeks to accelerate growth and flowering.
  • Place an organic mulch around the base of the plant to protect your plant’s roots from different temperature variations.
  • Check carefully for the presence of parasite infestations.
  • When temperatures start to get cool, you need to adjust the watering of your oleander.
  • Choose plants that are tolerant of low temperatures, as they can produce flowers throughout the fall.

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