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Dish soap and toothpaste, try combining the two: the unexpected result

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A combination that is undoubtedly unique but that, once experienced, you won’t want to give up! Seeing is believing.

dish soap and toothpaste
Two completely opposite products: dish soap and toothpaste. What can they have in common? Sure they both perform a cleaning action, but when combined they create a super effective cleaner.

The benefits of toothpaste
Of course, mixing toothpaste with dish soap is not a traditional method, but it is certainly more than effective.
Toothpaste is known to be used for many other things besides the common use of a toothbrush for daily oral hygiene. As it has excellent degreasing properties, it is often used for both cleaning and personal care. Applied to the nails, for example, it will help to whiten and clean them. Equally useful for cleaning slippers, clothes, walls or carpets that are victims of stubborn stains.

In addition, its composition makes it an excellent ally to relieve the itching of insect bites, in fact it will give a feeling of immediate relief. Last but not least, toothpaste is very useful for cleaning jewellery, especially silver jewellery.

So, if toothpaste is so useful for so many different situations, why not also use it for small cleaning tasks at home?

Mixing toothpaste and dish soap: a super cleaner
To make a detergent that you can use at home, on objects or surfaces that you want to clean and leave shiny, just create a mixture with a few simple ingredients. You will need some dish soap (even the cheapest will be perfect), some toothpaste, baking soda and warm water. The procedure to follow is very simple. All you need to do is pour the entire bottle of dish soap into a large bowl, to which you will need to add a tablespoon of toothpaste. Don’t throw away the bottle of soap, it will come in handy later. Then start mixing the two ingredients together, trying to mix them as much as possible. When they are no longer two separate substances but a creamy mixture, you can proceed to add the other ingredients.

In a cup of warm water add a tablespoon of baking soda and mix well until you get a solution. Baking soda is necessary in our detergent as it has excellent sanitizing properties and is perfect for removing odours.

Baking soda
When the water and baking soda are well mixed, slowly add them to the dish soap and toothpaste mixture, mixing well while pouring in a little water at a time. As you continue to mix, you will notice that the mixture will become creamier and foamier. Once finished, let it sit for a few minutes and, using a funnel, pour the mixture into the bottle of dishwashing soap.

How to use the toothpaste and dish soap mixture
Your mixture is ready to use, but how and where to use it now? Quite simply, it can be used to clean just about anything, such as the oven, microwave, pots, jewellery, cutlery and pans that have lost their shine.

Mix toothpaste, dish soap and baking soda.
It is also excellent for plastic containers, which are often very difficult to degrease.
In fact, your new mixture has sanitising, degreasing and polishing properties. Remember that rinsing will be necessary for each use, so if you use it on a surface, try to use a little product, so that you can easily remove it with a damp cloth.

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