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Flies, insects and ants will never set foot in your house again: the powerful mix

This is the powerful homemade mixture that keeps flies, ants and insects away: it takes very few ingredients and is very easy.

If you are looking for a natural and effective repellent against annoying flies, you have found the perfect solution! Preparing a homemade repellent with grated lemon, white wine vinegar and cloves is simple, inexpensive and completely natural. How do you do it? Let’s be clear .

How do you create the powerful homemade mixture?
You will need a few readily available ingredients. To prepare the powerful anti-fly mixture, get a fresh lemon, some cloves and white wine vinegar. Start by grating the lemon peel into a bowl. Be sure to avoid grating the white part, just focus on the aromatic yellow peel. Once the lemon is grated, add a cup of white wine vinegar to the bowl and mix the ingredients well.

At this point, add a handful of cloves to the lemon and vinegar mixture. Cloves are a very effective natural fly repellent. They can repel these pesky insects thanks to their strong scent, which is unpleasant to flies. Mix the ingredients well to ensure that the cloves are evenly distributed in the solution.

Powerful mixture
Once you have prepared your repellent, let it sit for at least a day. This period allows the ingredients to mix and release their essential oils, which are responsible for the fly repellent action. During this time, be sure to cover the container with a lid or cloth to prevent evaporation and keep the flavour concentrated.

Homemade repellent: how to use it and tips
After the resting period, your homemade repellent is ready to use! You can use it in several ways to repel flies from your house or garden. You can place the mixture in small open containers and place them in areas where flies are most likely to be present, such as near windows or on the terrace. The scent of the repellent will repel flies, keeping the area free of these pesky insects.

You can also dip cotton wool in the mixture and place it in a saucer or glass in strategic places in your home. This method is especially effective in the kitchen, where flies can be very annoying. Be sure to replace the cotton ball regularly to maintain the fresh scent and effectiveness of the repellent.

One of the positive features of this homemade repellent is that it is completely natural and contains no harmful chemicals. It is a safe alternative to repel flies without compromising your health or the health of your environment.

Natural repellent
Making a fly repellent with grated lemon, white wine vinegar and cloves is a simple and effective way to keep these pesky insects away from your home. Try this natural and environmentally friendly solution and enjoy a calmer, fly-free environment.

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