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With this remedy your clothes will smell great for a long time: just add them to the washing machine.

Did you know that there is an excellent remedy to perfume your clothes for a long time? You only need to add one ingredient to achieve this result and deodorise your clothes for a long time. Let’s find out which ingredient it is!

Clothes smell bad for a long time.
Sometimes we find that the clothes coming out of the washing machine don’t smell the way we would like them to. Often not even fabric softener can make the clothes smell good, because it is full of chemical components, but sometimes the fault can also be that the washing machine is not perfectly clean, or perhaps the excessive use of detergent.

But what can you put in place of fabric softener to scent your clothes? There is a natural ingredient that you can add when washing in the washing machine to make your clothes smell better. Let’s find out which ingredient it is, but let’s also take a look at other remedies to make your clothes smell good for a long time!

Woman smells perfumed clothes
Essential oils for perfuming clothes
An excellent solution to replace fabric softener and make clothes more fragrant is to use essential oils. You can choose any fragrance you like or vary it every time you put your clothes in the washing machine.

The advantage of using essential oils is also to keep the fabrics perfect and make them last for a long time. You can use citrus essential oils, such as bergamot, lemon or orange, which are effective for deodorised and fresh laundry.

Or you can opt for thyme, eucalyptus, peppermint and other scents that you can find on the market. Here’s how to use this natural ingredient to scent your clothes:

Dilute 10 drops of essential oil in 1 glass of water.
Pour the solution into the fabric softener tray.
The pleasantly perfumed action of the chosen essential oil will act on your clothes, leaving them highly scented.

Benefits of vinegar on clothes
Scented water for washing clothes is also excellent.
Other excellent solutions for perfuming clothes are orange blossom water or lavender water. Simply put water in a spray bottle and spray it on the clothes before putting them in the washing machine. After putting them in the dryer, the clothes will be pleasantly scented and pleasant to wear, touch the towels and much more.

An excellent alternative is also rose water, which is perfect for perfuming clothes. Rose water leaves a delicate scent on clothes and is ideal for those who do not like strong smells. There are other methods to make clothes smell fresh and keep them fresh for a long time, here are a few that are simple to implement and use inexpensive and easily accessible ingredients.

Scented paper method to scent clothes for a long time
The scented paper method is also excellent for making clothes smell even better. To put it into practice you need to get some paper at home, which you probably keep in your kitchen, and essential oil of your favourite fragrance.

Pour a few drops of essential oil on the paper towel and place it in the drum with the clothes in the dryer. This is an excellent solution to perfume it for a long time in the last step, i.e. drying.

Woman smells perfumed clothes
Other remedies to make clothes smell better
There are other remedies for perfuming clothes for a long time and thus obtaining even better results than fabric softener, while also avoiding the chemical substances present in the composition. These are the most effective:

Ball of wool method : a great way to make your clothes smell fresh for a long time is to take some balls of wool and put a few drops of essential oil of your favourite fragrance on them. For example, you can add a few drops of vanilla essential oil before drying cycles.

Lavender sachet method : using disposable lavender sachets is an effective method to make clothes smell fresh.

Thanks to the above methods you can deodorise your clothes excellently and without using fabric softener – the fabrics will stay even softer and the smell will last much longer than with ready-made fabric softeners!

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