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I’ve tried them all! Now I defrost the freezer in 5 minutes, I’ll tell you how I do it!

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I’ve tried them all! Now how to defrost the freezer in 5 minutes, I’ll tell you how I do it!

Many times when we talk about household cleaning we tend to forget to include some appliances in the list of things to clean.

The freezer certainly forms part of this list, as it is an appliance that needs to be cleaned at least a couple of times a year.

However, there is no denying that this job requires a lot of time and energy. Cleaning the freezer is definitely not the easiest household chore in the world, but there is a method to make it all much less complicated.

If you are curious to discover this method just read on below.

how to defrost the freezer uses see how to defrost the freezer AdobeStock 255982320 1200×800 1
How to defrost the freezer: here are all the steps to follow.
Of course, before discovering the method that will allow you to defrost the freezer very easily and in a very short time, you must first follow several steps.

Before using the actual method, you must follow a few simple steps.

Obviously the first thing we must do to defrost the freezer is to remove the plug that connects the appliance to the electricity. Obviously, to prevent water from wetting the floor during defrosting, it is necessary to place rags around the appliance so that the water is absorbed.

It goes without saying that all the food must be removed from the freezer and placed, in the meantime, in thermal bags so that the food can be preserved without spoiling.

At this point, before defrosting the freezer, it is necessary to clean the seals.

To clean the seals so that mould does not form, simply wipe them with a cloth soaked in olive oil. Or you can choose to use a mixture of water, white wine vinegar and baking soda.

Now all that remains is to discover the infallible method for defrosting the freezer quickly and easily.

How to defrost the freezer: here’s the easy and economical method
There are 2 ways to defrost the freezer and they are as follows:

Use hot water
To defrost the freezer very easily, you should pour some warm water into a container and then place it inside the freezer. With this method, the heat of the water will be able to completely melt the ice in the appliance.

Use a kitchen spatula
Even with a simple kitchen spatula, made of plastic or silicone, it is possible to defrost the freezer. Using the spatula, made of one of the above-mentioned materials, it is possible to remove the ice chunks from the walls. However, it should be noted that this action should be carried out very gently and carefully, so as not to damage the walls of the freezer.

After choosing which of the 2 methods to use, you will discover the last step to complete.

How to defrost the freezer: what is the last thing to do?
The last thing to do after defrosting the freezer, with one of the 2 methods explained above, is to dry the freezer and then clean it with a mixture of water and vinegar.

Easy, isn’t it? At this point you have all the tools to defrost your freezer without the possibility of doing anything wrong.

Get to work and rest assured that your freezer will be as good as new.

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