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Used tea bags: throwing them away is a big mistake, here’s how to use them in a very smart way.

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Throwing away freshly used tea bags can be a hasty decision. Here’s how to recycle them in a smart way

Use used tea bags
Recycling used tea bags is not only good for the environment, reducing pollution from waste products, or for our pockets, saving us money, but with a little creativity, we can exploit and reuse them in many different ways. To begin with, it is absolutely possible to use tea bags twice. The leaves contained in the tea bag, in fact, still have enough aroma for a new infusion.


There is only one rule to keep in mind; to use the same tea bag twice, the time factor is essential. The best thing to do is to use it as soon as possible. This is because humid environments are the perfect habitat for mould and mildew to form. It only takes a few hours for the mould formation process to begin. If, on the other hand, we want a much stronger brew, we can set aside two or more used tea bags and reuse them immediately for one or more cups of tea with a stronger flavour.

The motto is inventive
Use used tea bags
Therefore, we can extend the use of freshly drunk tea bags to many other areas. The first suggestion is to recycle a tea bag to cure acne; among its many properties, in fact, arises the function of sebum regulator. Its effectiveness will be even more pronounced when using peppermint tea. Simply apply a tea bag to the face, and in particular to the affected areas of the body, and leave it to cool for half an hour.

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A black tea bag will be very useful to combat grey hair, taking advantage of its light colouring power. Just don’t rinse the tea bag. Another possible solution is to use green tea against dark circles under the eyes by putting the tea bags in the freezer and then leaving them to act for a quarter of an hour; in fact, as well as visibly reducing these imperfections, green tea improves the elasticity of the skin.

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Finally, another creative use can be to take advantage of the sachets used against sunburn. Chamomile is very effective not only in reducing sunburn, but also in combating redness and the inevitable flaking caused by excessive exposure to the sun.

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