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Powerful natural pesticide, protect your plants with just a teaspoon of it

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To protect your plants, make this effective natural pesticide with just one teaspoon of this product. Here’s what you’ll need below.

You often have several plants at home or on your balcony and try to keep them healthy and thriving. However, the first reason why plants couldn’t stay that way is because of parasites  . It is pointless to care for the plant by watering it and placing it in the right place in the house. If it is infected, it withers and can die after a short time.

Parasites are among the enemies of plants and those who work in the garden  . Many months of care and then it happens and the plant suddenly dies. These can be small pests or mold and fungi. Among the former we find various insects and mites that are dangerous for the survival of the plant.

Plant parasites

This is exactly why  today we want to show you how to make a natural pesticide  . There are several special products on the market, but they mostly contain chemical substances. We’ll show you how to prepare one in just a few minutes using natural products. Everything further down in the next paragraph.

The recipe for a natural pesticide

As mentioned before, we will now show you how to make an effective natural pesticide. Very little is needed and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on certain products because it is a  completely natural  product and you can already have these ingredients at home without having to buy them.

To prepare this natural pesticide you will need:  500 ml milk (expired milk is also fine) and 1 teaspoon garlic powder  . Then you will need some gauze or cotton cloth, a funnel and an empty spray bottle. But let’s see how you have to go about making this pesticide.

First, take a container and pour the milk into it. Then add the teaspoon of garlic powder. Mix well and then leave to act for approx. 3 hours  . Once the necessary time has passed, you can take the solution and filter it with gauze or a cotton cloth.

Then fill it into a spray bottle using a funnel. Now you can water the plant regularly with this natural pesticide and help it protect itself from parasites. Water the plants regularly about every 4 days  and you will see that they are healthy and thriving without any problems. You can use this pesticide on all your plants.

Garlic and milk: pesticides

Both milk and garlic are often  used as pesticides. Milk is excellent because the sugar it contains is a poison for parasites  . They cannot digest it and it is therefore a real ally for plants.

garlic and milk

When it comes to garlic, it’s  the smell that puts you off  . This is ensured by a substance contained in the light bulb. This is allicin, a sulfur compound. The smell has a repellent effect and keeps both parasites and fungi away. There are many garlic remedies and some even simply place a clove in the ground.

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