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Secret method of using a plastic bag to clean the oven rack

Here’s how to use the secret method of using a plastic bag to clean the oven rack. It’s an essential component for cooking food and can easily collect dirt as well as germs and bacteria. If this is already the case, you can rely on this plastic bag trick to make it shine.

Secret plastic bag method for cleaning the oven rack
The oven rack has encrustations that are difficult to remove. You run the risk of tiring yourself out if you don’t take the most strategic approach.

To use this trick, you’ll need a dishwasher tablet, hot water and 3 to 4 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda.

Then follow these steps for cleaning:

Pour half the hot water into a bowl;
Put a dishwasher tablet in and stir with a fork to dissolve;
Add a little bicarbonate of soda and stir again;
Pour the solution into a bag and place the grid in it;
Tie the bag securely and leave to stand for at least 90 minutes;
Leave overnight in the case of heavy incrustation;
Once the time has elapsed, open the bag in the sink and rub the grid with a sponge;
Rinse under running water and you’re done.

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