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How do you empty your stomach in 60 seconds?

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Times of intense stress, lack of sleep, lack of hydration, difficult digestion? There are so many factors that contribute to the bloated stomach effect, especially if you are a woman. Never pleasant, both in terms of aesthetics and the associated discomfort. Don’t worry, there are effective grandmother’s recipes that will help you get rid of the bloating that makes your life difficult and get your flat stomach back when you wake up.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
  • 1 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
  • Preferably 1 organic lemon, cut into thin slices
  • 12 leaves of spearmint


  1. Do not peel the lemon, but mix all the ingredients in a large jug
  2. Let the mixture rest in the refrigerator overnight
  3. Drink Sassy water for the next day, starting first thing in the morning

Lemon and lemon water are great for losing weight. Lemon is a natural diuretic and alkalizing food that balances pH levels. Cucumber is a nutritious diuretic. It stimulates kidney function, which burns fat through urine. This feature is essential for healthy weight loss.


Green mint. It is known for its calming effect on the stomach. It also helps you improve digestion. Ginger is one of the most impressive ingredients in this recipe.

It tastes and smells wonderful and offers many health benefits. Ginger is very helpful in calming your digestive tract and has been proven to fight cancer.

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