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How to clean and descale the oven using the pan method

If there is one household chore related to house cleaning that is really boring and stressful, it is definitely cleaning the oven .

Our oven accumulates encrusted grease and other food residues that harden over time to such an extent that they are practically impossible to remove without the use of a special product.

The problem is that most of these products are full of chemicals and are very aggressive. Although they are effective against dirt, they are harmful to our health and there is a risk that they will end up in our food.

In this article, we suggest a method that is a sensible alternative to products for removing limescale and cleaning the oven. Read on to find out what it is.

To put the method into practice, we need a pan that is suitable for cooking in the oven . These are pans that can withstand very high temperatures and are almost always made of ceramic, soapstone, cast iron or stainless steel.

Fill the pan with water, then pour in half a glass of vinegar and the juice of a lemon. The steam from this solution will help to descale the oven and neutralise bad odours.

Set the oven to 250 degrees, place the pot inside and leave it for 30 minutes.

Switch off the oven immediately afterwards and leave to cool. Before it has cooled completely, remove any residue with a cloth or sponge, taking care not to burn yourself. These can be easily removed.

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