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Dirty and grayed curtains, the secret to make them white in a few moments

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Dirty and graying curtains in your home? There is no doubt, in fact this is the method to make them clean and white like new again.

ingredient for curtains
Dirty and graying curtains in your home are unhygienic and certainly don’t look good. This happens when they are not washed properly, when they are in contact with external agents and when the white loses its brilliance. To find it again, cleaning experts indicate how to wash curtains depending on the material of composition using only natural ingredients.

Dirty and graying curtains: the method to make them white again
Dirty and graying curtains must be treated immediately and appropriately. In most cases the label is not read or the same washing treatment is used for all fabrics. Nothing could be further from the truth, because each fabric corresponds to a natural ingredient to use and a method of washing by hand or in the washing machine. Not only that, the hooks must always be removed during washing, avoiding damaging the curtain or the inside of the washing machine.

Cotton curtain
If the curtain is made of cotton , the most used material in the home, it means that it is resistant and always clean. If you use the wrong washing method or ingredients, it can end up being dirty and losing its natural colour. For this reason they can be washed in the washing machine by adding two full spoons of soy bicarbonate diluted in a full measuring cup of Marseille soap.

Washing dirty and gray curtains
Then set a temperature no higher than 30°C and spin at 600 rpm. Once the washing is finished, immediately hang out the curtains so as to counteract the creases and ensure that they dry completely.

Linen curtains
If the curtains are made of linen it is good to evaluate the type, such as brushed or wrinkled up to delicate. Brushed linen requires washing at 30° with a maximum of 400 spin spins. If the curtain is dirty, you can proceed with two rinses and the addition of Marseille soap to be poured directly into the detergent compartment. They will be like new.

The “wrinkled” ones can instead be washed at the same temperature but with 800 rpm for the spin cycle. Also in this case, Marseille soap is the perfect ingredient to consider.

Silk curtains
For those who have silk curtains, you should never use the washing machine but wash by hand. Since they are extremely delicate, water enriched with Marseille soap will suffice.

Hand wash curtains
They are soaked and then not wrung out, so as not to ruin them, leaving them to dry in the open air but not in direct sunlight.

Dirty and graying synthetic fabric curtains
Whether it is nylon or another synthetic fabric, in this case you will need to wash it by hand to avoid ruining it and regain the beauty of the white or neutral color. If the dimensions of the curtain do not allow hand washing, you can put them in the washing machine by adding Marseille soap and white wine vinegar, without spinning at 30°.

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