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How to degrease plastic boxes to give them a clean appearance? 3 simple and effective tips

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If there are many stains that we dread when cleaning the kitchen, it’s grease stains. These clog the oven, the hob, and the pans and remain stubborn and difficult to remove. Indeed, it is never easy to clean the plastic containers in which we put the remains of our fatty foods. To overcome this inconvenience, we give you tips for degreasing plastic containers without leaving traces.

To remove the greasy film from plastic containers, sometimes more than washing with soapy water is required. To effectively remove the orange grease stains that cover plastic containers, you must use household stain removers, known for their degreasing action.

Plastic containers stained with grease - source: spm

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Grease-stained plastic containers – Source: spm

How to degrease plastic containers?

  • Make a natural degreaser to clean a plastic container
Degrease a plastic container - source: spm

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Degrease a plastic container – Source: spm

Mix a tablespoon of soda crystals with 20 drops of lemon essential oil and two cups of water in a bottle. Soak a microfiber cloth with this homemade degreaser and  rub the greasy surfaces of the container.  Then rinse with clean water. Soda crystals are a stain remover,  more abrasive than baking soda.  Note that you can replace the soda crystals with Marseille soap shavings. This natural and biodegradable soap  is effective in removing stubborn stains.  To do this, simply dissolve the shavings in boiling water, and wait for the solution to become lukewarm to add the drops of essential oil.

  • White vinegar to degrease a plastic container
White vinegar to degrease a plastic container - source: spm

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White vinegar to degrease a plastic container – Source: spm

This multi-purpose product is an effective stain remover for degreasing all surfaces. It will help you find clean plastic containers. To do this, you must first  remove all the food residue from the bottom of your  plastic container. Wipe the container with a paper towel to remove as much grease as possible. Then rinse it with hot water  to help remove the grease,  and let it dry. Next, fill your container with pure white vinegar. Make sure all greasy parts of the container are covered with vinegar. Close the lid to prevent spillage, and leave to act for 30 minutes. The acidity of vinegar breaks down grease stains and also neutralizes stubborn food odors.  Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it can also disinfect your container. If your plastic container is very marked by orange grease stains,  add the juice of a fresh lemon to the white vinegar  and let it sit for an hour. Lemon has a whitening action which eliminates stains, in order to restore the shine of the container.

After letting the solution work, all you have to do is pour it into the sink. Then rub the container with a microfiber sponge to remove softened traces of grease. For stubborn stains, use the abrasive side of the sponge.

  • Baking soda to find a clean plastic container

Baking soda is an economical product that is very effective in cleaning, degreasing and removing stains, thanks to its abrasive crystals. It is also a natural deodorizer  that easily eliminates bad odors. To do this, mix half a cup of lukewarm water with two tablespoons of baking soda in a container to make a paste. This should neither be very thick nor too liquid. Spread the dough inside the container, taking care to cover the bottom, but also the walls of the container. Note that  your container must be completely dry to allow the dough to stick easily. Close the lid, and leave the preparation to act overnight. The next day, rub your container with a microfiber sponge on the soft side,  to avoid scratches,  as baking soda is abrasive. Then rinse the container with hot water.

Using these tips, you will degrease your plastic containers and remove yellow or orange stains, without using chemicals like bleach.

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