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Make a mosquito trap: these two ingredients are enough to protect you throughout the holidays!

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To spend a summer period and holidays under the sign of peace, make this mosquito trap with only two ingredients that you have at home!

Summer is certainly eagerly awaited for its sunny days, but this season also brings with it a slew of harmful insects . Flies, midges or even mosquitoes, these little creatures appear almost everywhere to bother you.

Fortunately, you can repel them using 100% natural remedies that are not likely to harm your health or the environment. For example, you can use vinegar which is considered an effective repellent for fighting flies and midges .

But what about mosquitoes? We all know that lemon is one of the sworn enemies of these unwanted insects. However, you can also try building this trap which mainly uses two simple ingredients: brewer’s yeast and sugar.

Here is the procedure to follow step by step.

Mosquito trap: prepare this DIY trap at home

The necessary materials

  • 1 empty one or two liter plastic bottle
  • scissors
  • a knife
  • Scotch tape

Ingredients to prepare

  • 200 ml of water
  • 50 g of brown sugar
  • 1 g of brewer’s yeast

Step by step preparation

  • Take the plastic bottle and cut it in half along the height.
  • In a saucepan, bring the water to the boil with the sugar to dissolve it.
  • Then, let cool to room temperature to obtain an amber syrup.
  • Then, pour this solution into the bottom of the previously cut bottle. Pour in the brewer’s yeast without mixing because this product must remain on the surface. If bubbles form, this is completely normal.
  • Next, place the neck of the bottle at the bottom of the bottle but facing down so as not to touch the liquid. Then, secure using tape.
  • Finally, place the trap on a stable surface.

This DIY mosquito trap can last up to two weeks . When you no longer see bubbles on the surface, you need to do it again because it is no longer effective.

Why does this trap work?

When sugar and yeast come into contact, there is a sort of fermentation which releases CO2 and it is the latter which attracts mosquitoes.

But when insects get into the neck of the bottle, they can no longer escape because they are completely trapped. This way, you can finally enjoy your holidays and your barbecue evenings with peace of mind !

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