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Why do many housewives start putting bay leaves in the mop bucket?

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Putting bay leaves in a mop bucket: most housewives start doing this and no one expected such a surprising result!

Today we are going to reveal to you a truly innovative technique that no one has ever used before. It consists of putting bay leaves in your traditional mop bucket to clean the house. Seeing the result, no one expected the house to be so bright and fragrant.

Add the bay leaf to the mop bucket: a method to try without delay

Many people wonder why you need to put bay leaves in the mop bucket? Today, you will finally discover why this method is very popular.

To begin with, know that this plant has the power to subtly perfume most surfaces in the home . In addition, bay leaf has excellent antibacterial properties . This allows you to have a floor free of germs and bacteria for a long time.

Laurel is also a plant that has a repellent effect on many insects . To do this, we advise you to use bay leaf during the summer period to put an end to the invasion of insects in your home.

Laurel also has the ability to clean and shine the surfaces to which it is applied. Finally, bay leaf is a plant that grows almost everywhere and therefore it remains an inexpensive solution within everyone’s reach.

If you want to polish the floor without using chemicals, all you have to do is use bay leaves which are a good choice both in terms of cost and ease of use.

If you opt for bay leaves like housewives, you abandon the excessive use of chemicals which are polluting and aggressive for cleaning the house.

Here’s how to use bay leaves in the mop bucket?

To have a clean, bacteria-free home , start by grabbing the mop bucket to fill with hot water. Then, break 2 to 3 bay leaves to put inside . Leave it on for a few moments before using the water to clean the floor in your home.

This cleaning solution can completely replace a cleaning product . It is enough to wash, disinfect and perfume the floor of the house.

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