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Thanks to this tip, pigeons will no longer dare to return to your balcony and leave their droppings there.

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Once pigeons start to frequent your balcony, they will come in groups and will come there regularly. Their presence is certainly harmless to health, but the problem lies in particular with their bad habit.

Indeed, pigeons tend to dump their excrement all along the balcony . These are not without consequences on the aesthetics as well as the condition of the structures.

This is why you need to get rid of it once and for all. Thanks to this technique , you can say goodbye to droppings once and for all  but also prevent their deposit.

With this tip, pigeons will no longer dare to return to your balcony and leave their droppings there.

Aluminum foil is a simple but effective solution for repelling invading pigeons . This solution owes its effectiveness to the light reflected by the aluminum foil, which certainly annoys and frightens the pigeons.

To use it, simply cut a few sheets of paper and form them into strips. So you can hang them all along the guardrails.

How can plastic dishes keep pigeons away?

It may seem unusual, but plastic plates can very well be used to repel pigeons from your balcony.

To do this, hang several plastic dishes together on a rope and on the balcony . When the wind hits the plates, it will create an annoying noise for the pigeons who will no longer approach them.

Count on sand and gravel

Pigeons like to place their feet on a smooth surface. This is why they like the balcony. To dissuade them from approaching the balcony, simply create a surface perceived as dangerous for birds .

This is why you must put gravel or sand on the planter or at the level of the cornices. As if by magic, these bad companies will no longer return to your balcony .

How to remove pigeon droppings naturally?

You can use essential oils with repellent action to get rid of pigeon droppings. Among those which have antiparasitic properties, we can cite the essential oils of tea tree or camphor.

To do this, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Mix two liters of water and 7 drops of essential oil;
  2. Transfer the liquid to a spray bottle;
  3. Spray on areas favored by pigeons;
  4. Repeat the treatment every 5 days.

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