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Have you ever thought about infusing avocado pit?

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Are you one of the people who throws the avocado pit in the trash? You are making a big mistake ! Instead of throwing away this part that is wrongly considered useless, you can recycle it into something incredible to reduce waste. Here is an unexpected use of the avocado pit that will completely amaze you!

The avocado is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, after bananas of course. It is suitable for many tasty preparations such as guacamole or even mixed salads.

However, everyone has the habit of throwing away the pits after eating the flesh. This is a bad thing to stop doing because you can reuse avocado pits in an environmentally friendly way . No more waste and let yourself be tempted by this intelligent approach to add value to avocado stones .

Avocado pit: a true nutritional treasure

To benefit from the hidden properties of the avocado pit, we simply invite you to prepare an infusion . Yes, just boil the kernel in 1 liter of water for about 10 minutes. Then, let the preparation cool before treating yourself to a miraculous drink with incredible health benefits .

Indeed, the avocado pit is a real health ally because it is rich in a variety of nutrients. More specifically, the avocado pit is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which make it perfect for preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Additionally, this special brew gives you a feeling of fullness which is of great use in managing weight. Please note that this natural drink also helps you boost your energy in case of fatigue. It can therefore help you to be healthy.

Don’t throw away the avocado pit but plant it to have an avocado tree!

If you don’t feel like making an infusion, you can use the avocado pit to grow an avocado tree. Here is the step-by-step procedure if you want to embark on this green adventure:

  • Remove the core and clean it carefully.
  • Take 4 toothpicks and stick them in the pit. Then put the whole thing over a glass of water with the tip facing up and submerging the lower half of the core. Then, install the glass in a fairly warm place.
  • Replace the water every 2 days and after 6 to 8 weeks, small roots will begin to appear. When the roots are strong, remove the core from the glass and plant it in a pot or in the garden soil.

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