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Orchid: keep it alive for several years using this nursery trick!

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If you want to have a healthy and healthy orchid , you can practice this simple method from nurserymen.

Like all plants, orchids need care and a lot of attention so that they can live a long time. To obtain strong, vigorous and luxuriant plants, you can count on the effectiveness of certain natural tips.

This is the case of this Asian method which allows you to have strong roots and green leaves . To know this tip, I invite you to read this article until the end.

How to keep an orchid alive for years?

To have an orchid with healthy, robust roots and lush leaves, I advise you to follow this technique, which is very popular with Asians.

To begin, you must dig up your orchid and clean the roots well to remove soil residue. Then, cut the dry roots with a pair of scissors. After this step, you must also remove excess leaves to leave only one main stem.

Then, wash your plant and dry the leaves with cotton. Next, take some garlic to crush in a mortar . Put the crushed garlic at the bottom of a glass container. Add water to the glass and then filter everything.

Then, put the orchid in a jar filled with a third of the filtered garlic juice. Leave your plant in for about 20 minutes then let it dry in an empty container.

Meanwhile, take a small plastic bottle and cut off the top to make a plastic cup. Then, place the neck on the bottom of the glass.

Insert the root of your orchid inside the neck of the bottle . Then, add a little water while avoiding wetting the roots . The water will evaporate gradually in order to maintain an ideal humidity level.

Every 2 days, you should spray your orchid inside the bottle with a little water . After a few weeks, new roots will form as will new leaves.

Other tips for having healthy and lush orchids

  • Plant orchids in transparent pots so that the roots can develop healthily thanks to the light.
  • Watering orchids is done in a basin of water. Simply immerse your plant’s pot in it for several minutes . As orchids cannot tolerate chlorine, water them with distilled water or rainwater.

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