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Orchids, 1 tablespoon is enough and they bloom continuously: a very effective fertilizer

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With a spoonful of this ingredient we get orchids with lush flowers. Here’s what it is.

In our  homes  there are plants that are used as a furnishing element in many rooms, ensuring that they create a warm and welcoming atmosphere together with the furniture we buy.

Plants  have always been used in  gardens  and homes to add an extra touch of elegance. Some of them are very rare and very expensive and sought after precisely because of their value.

Orchids: The trick for beautiful flowers

Recently, many have rediscovered the magic of  plants  and green fingers, but not everyone has managed to keep our evergreen friends alive and for this reason they are becoming demoralized.

But we must not give up, because with a few tricks we can recover some plants and we too can become people who take care of plants and have a blooming balcony.

Precisely because of their lack of care, the most popular are  succulents  , which do not require much attention since they usually need water several times a week.

Orchids: Here is a very effective fertilizer

Even as a gift, for buying a new house or as a tribute to someone for a goal or just as a birthday present,  plants are  one of the first thoughts that come to mind.

The poinsettia in its red and white varieties is most widespread, especially during the Christmas season   , but another plant has also become established and is given as a gift at any time of the year due to its elegance and flowers.

We’re talking about the  orchid  , which is available on the market in a wide variety of colors and shapes and which, if you take care of it, has always given its owners beautiful flowers every season.

The method of experienced gardeners

But what do we have to do so that our orchids can thrive  ? The solution is simple and to ensure that the flowers are born abundant and lush, there is a trick.

In fact, experienced gardeners have many methods to ensure that their plants have stunning and envied flowers, but they do not reveal them often, providing for the use of some unusual ingredients.

For example, to   have beautiful flowers in our orchids , we must use garlic powder. Once  we have dissolved it in hot water,  we mix it and pour it into the soil of our plants.

Orchids: Here is a very effective fertilizer

If we don’t  have powder  , that’s not a problem. Simply take a few  cloves of garlic  and cut them into very small pieces. Then put them in a glass at room temperature and set aside for some time.

After a day we get our  jar  and pour the  contents into the soil of our orchids  and we will see that when the flowers bloom, they will be beautiful, of magnificent color, very strong and large.

Garlic also helps   strengthen  the roots  and  leaves and keeps away insects that can nest in the soil .

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