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Throw these ingredients into your cucumbers and you’ll see your garden grow in ways you never imagined.

Vegetable garden

We finally tell you what are the two magical ingredients that will make your cucumber plant in your vegetable garden grow in a truly healthy and unexpected way.


One of the most popular vegetables of summer is cucumber . It is a really good fruit to add to your salads and adds great freshness to any dish that you are sure to enjoy.

You can use it in  combination  with tomatoes, with iceberg lettuce, with Tropean red onions and with any other vegetable that goes perfectly with the warm season.

Cucumber plant

A lucky few have the privilege of growing cucumbers in their own garden, on the balcony or in the great outdoors. However, as a gardener you cannot improvise and it is important to do your homework before planting cucumbers in the space available.

This is precisely why we recommend you follow the experts’ advice and strive for the best pickles you’ve ever tasted. If you have planted cucumbers and find that you are not getting the results you were hoping for, you can try adding more nutrients to the vegetable.

To achieve this, you should not only water the plant regularly with water. In fact, you can add two truly miraculous ingredients that, we are convinced, will completely change the face of your plant.

They are two common ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen. The first is the peel of a fruit that you probably eat several times a month; the second, on the other hand, is a well-known leaf that is used primarily for stomach problems and symptoms of poor digestion.

Here’s what they are and how you can use them to grow your plants at their best.

Add banana and bay leaf

If you have one or more cucumber plants and are having trouble getting them to grow optimally, we recommend this trick. We are sure you will not regret it because it is a method recommended by many experienced gardeners.

What we recommend today is adding  banana  and  Allorine  to the cucumbers. But how should you do that? It’s a really simple process that comes with a whole host of benefits.

Banana and bay leaf on cucumbers

First you need to get some banana peels that you need to ripen. Finally, when they have turned dark, you can cut them into pieces with a knife.

Now put them in a blender along with some bay leaves. Then add water and continue mixing. Once the two ingredients have dissolved, you need to strain the mixture.

This will give you a liquid that you can pour over the soil of the various cucumber plants in your garden. This way you provide your plants with the right amount of nutrients so that they grow strong and lush.

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