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Geraniums, if you do this step at least once a month, they will bloom continuously

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We reveal an incredible method used by many gardeners that allows you  to grow your own greens in a really quick and easy way.

How to care for your plants

Many people complain that they cannot get their plants to grow properly. You should know that it is imperative that you choose the right soil for your plants to grow. There are different types on the market. There are those that are completely organic and those whose compost accelerates the growth of your plants.

And then it is important that it is best to place your plants on your balcony or in your garden. Prefer a place that is airy and at the same time not directly illuminated by the sun. Choose an area where the sun can reach but not directly penetrate the plant’s leaves.

The terriccio per le piante

The choice of irrigation water, which can be enriched so that it is more nutrient-rich, is also crucial. Pruning is also very important and should be done as often as you notice that there are dead or dry patches.

Remove dry leaves and prune any parts of the plant that appear rotten, rotten, or simply duller than normal. Don’t overdo the pruning or you’ll end up with a much smaller plant than before.

If you have some gerani and don’t know how best to grow them, here’s how to take care of them. With this trick they will grow big and lush.

How to make geraniums bloom

If you have owned a gerani for a while or have just bought it and don’t know the best way to get it to bloom, today we have some tricks for you. We are sure that they will help you, because many gardeners who love their plants and do this for a living have betrayed them.

First of all, you should know that it is important to water your plants properly. The geranium in particular is a great lover of water. This is precisely why it needs to be watered at least 4 or even 5 times a week.

Of course, you shouldn’t overwater the amount because you have to give the plant time to absorb all the nutrients without drowning. Therefore, avoid a mud effect, which only encourages the proliferation of bacteria and other fungal diseases.

Come farther in flowers and gerani

You can also make a special water that is very useful for this type of plant. You simply use a banana : cut it open and soak it in water. Let them soak for a good two days. Then you filter the water and water your plant with this liquid. You can also add 4 or 5 small banana peels to the water.

You will soon notice that your geranium can absorb many more vitamins than usual and will therefore begin to grow profusely.

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