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The hole under the sink does not only have an aesthetic function, as many people think. Here’s what it’s for and why it’s important for everyone. .


There is a small hole in the middle of the sink, under the faucet. Everyone sees it every day and ignores its function and cleanliness. Some see it as a navel or something extremely aesthetic: none of these, because the hole is essential to the functionality of this object in the kitchen and bathroom.

It is an ever-present detail and there is no sink without it. The reason for this is simple and almost completely ignored.


Whether in the bathroom or in the kitchen, the sink  constantly comes into contact with germs and bacteria. It is everyone’s responsibility to clean and disinfect them daily so that the drain is always clear and the surface is free of all kinds of residues.

Hole under the sink

To be quick, most people buy ready-made products that are rich in chemicals and corrode the chosen surface. It is better to choose natural means not only to save money, but also to completely disinfect surfaces and work surfaces, eliminating dirt and unpleasant odors.

First of all, it is important to remove any food residue or product of any kind by rinsing the basin with lukewarm water and a soft cloth . The lukewarm water should be poured down the drain to allow the residue to drain and dissolve.

Clean the sink

Immediately afterwards, do the following:

  • Prepare a mixture of a spoonful of baking soda and the juice of one organic lemon. Apply directly to the surface of the sink and leave for 10 minutes;
  • Pour hot water  over the surface and the mixture remaining in the drain and add ½ cup  white vinegar . This is a good mixture to dissolve all types of deposits in the drain.

What is the hole under the sink for?

Now let’s try to understand what the hole under the sink is for, because everyone completely ignores it:

  • It is an escape route for the air flowing through the exhaust
  • This is important to prevent water from leaking when a plug is inserted (or forgotten).

Without the hole  and the split part, you risk flooding your bathroom or kitchen in no time and blocking the drain due to lack of air. So it is a “window” for ventilation and a life saver by preventing water from leaking out of the sink.

You could call it a vent because it follows and meets the sink drain to provide an alternative drain . But that is not all. It is also designed to prevent bacteria, thanks to a small bridge that does not connect the drain directly to food or product residue of any kind.

Sink hole

The moment you have a bad one

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