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How to Grow Garlic from a Clove Using the Canning Trick?

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Vegetables are usually grown from seeds, but to  grow garlic  you only need to plant individual cloves! 
Check out our guide to show you how:
Start by cutting off the bottom half of a 5 liter container and drilling 4 holes in the bottom.
Fill your pot with potting soil and make 3 holes about 10cm deep.
Carefully remove 3 cloves of garlic from the water, being careful not to damage the roots.
Garlic clove with roots

Then cut the roots a little, about 3 cm from the stem.
Insert one clove per hole (stem side up) and cover it with some soil.
Pour the water from the bowl that held the garlic cloves or heads into your new pot.

Growing garlic in a 5 liter container
All you have to do is wait a few weeks, dear readers, and your  potted garlic  will be ready to eat!
You can also use this technique to plant garlic directly into your garden soil.
Autumn-winter-spring planting: when and how to plant garlic outdoors?
If you want to be successful at planting garlic, it is important to follow a methodical and well-defined program! 
It should therefore be noted that garlic generally requires a cold period (0 to 10 ° C) to produce quality bulbs, that is, 1 to 2 months. That’s why gardeners usually plant  
 it in late fall or early winter. 
In other words, to obtain satisfactory results it is necessary to proceed between October and February. 
However, for your information, dear readers, some varieties are suitable for planting in early spring.
How do you grow garlic in the garden or vegetable patch?
Growing garlic in your garden

Prepare your soil:  Garlic needs a sunny, well-drained location to grow. 
However, avoid planting them in acidic soil (with a pH below 6.5).
Plant your pods  : Break the bulbs into individual pods and bury them 3-4cm below the soil surface while retaining their skin, with the root end down and the pointy end up! 
Please keep them 15cm apart.
Water your plants:  During dry periods, be sure to water your garlic well to encourage bulb growth. 
Avoid wetting the leaves as this can lead to fungal diseases. 
Stop watering completely during the last weeks of growth (yellow foliage and well-formed bulbs).
How long does it take to grow garlic?
Growing your own garlic from cloves  takes about 6-7 months. 
If you plant the garlic cloves in the middle of winter, you can enjoy them between June and August.
How is garlic harvested?
Harvest garlic

If you’re wondering when is the best time to harvest garlic, just pay attention to the signs that your plant is ready: yellow or brown leaves and drooping heads. 
Do you need to know how to harvest? 
Follow our advice:

Gently dig the garlic bulbs out of the ground with a garden fork.
Then dry them thoroughly by exposing them to sunlight or storing them in a dry, well-ventilated place. 
The drying process takes between 2 and 4 weeks. 
Be careful, if mold appears, use a fan heater to speed up drying.
Once the garlic leaves become very dry and crispy, cut off the bulbs and store them in a dry place to last for several months.
Please note :
If you harvest too early, the pods will not be formed well, and if you harvest it late, the bulbs may open and not last long!
As you have understood, dear readers,  growing garlic at home is very easy  , and you do not need your own planting space to grow it.

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