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Crispy baked chips, tasty and very light: here’s the trick

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Potatoes are among the tastiest and most versatile ingredients in the world. Introduced to Europe after the discovery of America, potatoes are today part of our gastronomic tradition, and there are dozens of dishes in which the potato is the absolute protagonist.

However, as tasty as they are, not all ways of cooking potatoes are healthy and suitable for our health. The way in which potatoes are prepared has a strong impact on the lightness of the dish: frying them or seasoning them with a lot of oil, for example, greatly increases the calorie intake of the dish.

Below we will explain how to prepare them in a healthy and light way, but without giving up crunchiness and flavour. The recipe for crispy chips that we suggest below allows us to integrate this food into even the most strict diets.

Ingredients for crispy chips: 500 grams of yellow potatoes, 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Clean the potatoes well, peel them and cut them into slices about 5 millimeters thick. Immerse them in cold water for a few minutes (10-15), then drain them and place them in a pan full of cold water with a pinch of salt.

These operations will help to eliminate some starch from the potato, but also to tenderize them before cooking in the oven.

When the water starts to boil, remove from the stove, drain and let cool. Attention: the potatoes must not boil but must be lightly scalded.

Place the potatoes in a large bowl and add a teaspoon of oil, mixing well with your hands to grease all the potatoes.

To cook crispy chips you have two options. The first consists in the use, if available, of the air fryer. The second consists of cooking in the oven, at around 220-250 degrees for around 30-40 minutes. Once baked, turn over halfway through cooking and wait until they are golden brown all over the surface.

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