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4 types of dried fruits for weight loss

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Dried fruits  are an inexhaustible source of nutrients for our body. Many people believe that it makes them fat and stop eating it out of fear of the calories it contains. In fact, there is a suitable way to consume dry fruits while losing weight.

The temptation to eat unhealthy or unsuitable foods is common, especially when trying to eat a balanced diet. Our bodies are used to being “rewarded” with sweet or salty foods and therefore need them when they are eliminated from the diet.

Dried fruits lose weight

By replacing salty foods and sweets with dried fruits, we can satisfy our cravings without gaining weight while consuming plenty of nutrients.

When consumed in small quantities,  dried fruits are a nutrient cocktail  and contain three components essential for weight loss: high-quality protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats.

It is recommended to consume a handful of dried fruits daily, but not to exceed this amount. The  dried fruits recommended for losing weight  are: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. Remember to eat only natural foods without added salt.

It is recommended to consume them in the morning or afternoon (not both times). Eat about 10-15 units at a time.

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