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The vegetable that provides energy, improves memory, balances hormones and eliminates wrinkles

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Everyone knows that the Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world and offers many benefits for our health, such as a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. However, few people know the benefits of the “Nordic” diet, that is, the one practiced in Northern European countries. Below we list  6 Nordic diet ingredients that have therapeutic properties  .

Red cabbage  . It contains 6 times more vitamin C than kale, contains anti-inflammatory compounds and L-glutamine, an amino acid that soothes irritation and reduces stomach acid and reflux. This vegetable is excellent for relieving stomach problems and stomach pain.

Beetroot  . It is rich in betalains, antioxidant compounds that improve the elimination of toxins from our body, slow down cellular aging and provide energy. Beetroot stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which opens blood vessels and allows better blood flow to the brain.

Red onion  . It contains compounds that can prevent clogging of arteries and lower bad cholesterol. Red onions are an excellent way to protect the heart.

Beets  . This vegetable has very few calories and is rich in indoles, which limit excess estrogen in the body by restoring hormonal balance. Regular consumption of this vegetable is associated with cancer prevention.

Carrots  . Not only are they good for your eyesight: because they are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that is converted into vitamin A in our body, they are an excellent way to protect the skin and improve its appearance.

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