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Using Vinegar in the Garden: The Trick That Solves 8 Big Problems

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White vinegar is used for home care and laundry and has other unexpected uses. It is even effective for caring for your garden plants. It can be used to protect them from pests or even promote their flowering.

White vinegar has several strings to its bow. Used to clean and degrease surfaces or soften laundry, white vinegar also has unexpected uses, especially in the garden.

How do you use white vinegar in the garden?

How to use white vinegar in the garden to have vibrant and healthy plants.

  • White vinegar to eliminate insects and ants
Leaf snail

Nudibranch on leaves – Source: spm

  White vinegar is a natural insecticide that effectively deters pests that wreak havoc on your plants, such as aphids or slugs. To do this, mix one part white vinegar with three parts water and a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent in a spray. Shake the bottle and spray directly onto your aphid-infected plants. To repel ants from your plants, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray on ant hills and the path the ants take. The strong smell of vinegar is enough to repel them, thereby protecting your plants.

  • White vinegar to protect plants from fungi

White vinegar   is a natural fungicide   that can be used to cure plants affected by fungus or mold. This makes it possible to avoid  fungal diseases, also known as cryptogamous diseases, which affect plants   and are caused by fungi. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of white vinegar with an infusion of chamomile and spray the plants affected by fungus. This tip is safe for your plants.

  • White vinegar to repel garden animals

White vinegar is effective for repelling cats, dogs, rabbits or even rodents. To do this, spray   the white vinegar where you don’t want it to go.  This non-toxic product keeps them away from your plants thanks to its strong smell.

  • White vinegar to promote flowering

Flowers – Source: spm

Some plants need acidic soil to bloom, such as gardenias, hydrangeas or even rhododendrons. If your soil is alkaline, water it weekly with a solution of 4 liters of water and 250 ml of white vinegar. This creates   favorable conditions for your acid-loving plants to bloom.

  • White vinegar to weed the garden

To maintain beautiful blooms,   it is important   to remove weeds from your garden. In fact, they strip the soil of the nutrients, water and minerals your plants need to thrive. To avoid this, spray white vinegar on the weeds, especially on a sunny day, to  burn these unwanted weeds. Be careful not to spray the plants you want to keep. Repeat the operation if necessary.

  • White vinegar to make cut flowers last longer

Flowers in a vase – Source: spm

To extend the life of the flowers you want to keep in a vase, mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar and pour the mixture into the vase water.

  • White vinegar for cleaning glasses

The pots of plants you grow outdoors can become contaminated with saltpeter. Use white vinegar to clean your glasses of these white spots and prevent them from appearing. To do this, soak your pot in a basin with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water, leave for a few minutes and rub with a sponge.

  • White vinegar for removing rust from garden tools
Garden tools

Garden tools – source: spm

To remove rust from garden tools, soak them in pure white vinegar and let it sit for a few minutes. Then rinse your tools and   wipe them dry to prevent rusting.  Additionally, moisture is the factor responsible for rust. Note that you   can use petroleum jelly to   protect your garden tools from rust.

You got it, white vinegar allows you to care for your garden and protect your plants without using environmentally harmful chemicals.

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