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How to whiten the floor of the toilet? 6 tips to keep it looking new

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Even if you maintain your toilet regularly, as is highly recommended, it is not uncommon for traces of limescale to form at the bottom of the bowl. This is because the water constantly stagnates at the bottom of the bowl. We invite you to discover the different tips to eliminate and avoid these unsightly stains in your toilet.
Whitening without chemicals
Also known as scale, mineral deposits or limescale, these visible stains on the bottom of the toilet bowl are quite problematic and difficult to clean. Many people think that using commercial cleaning products is essential for greater efficiency. However, this is a misconception because there are other natural and more economical solutions. In fact, don’t forget that commercial products are not only harmful to health and the environment, but can also be expensive for some. Among these products to be banned, it is important to mention bleach and bleach-based products, as they are still widely used. However, it should be known that, apart from their dangerousness in the case of the WC, they do not attack the root of the problem, namely the limestone. That is, they become whiter and that’s it. As I am sure you have understood, it is preferable to resort to natural solutions that are ecological, without negative effects on health and economy. We describe some of them below.
White Vinegar
A first solution to overcome these tartar problems is to use white vinegar. This product is increasingly used for daily cleaning and is highly effective. How to bleach the bottom of your toilet bowl and remove limescale with vinegar:
Heat 1/2 liter of white vinegar. It is not necessary to cook it.
Once the vinegar is hot, drain it by letting it run down the sides of the bowl.
Leave for at least an hour or ideally overnight to give the white vinegar time to take effect.
After the exposure time, rub with a brush to remove stains and limescale.
Flush the toilet and you’re done.
baking powder
Baking soda is also increasingly being used to combat the most stubborn stains. You can use it to clean your toilet bowl. Here’s how:
Pour 1 cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl.
Then pour in 1-2 cups of vinegar. Be sure to add it slowly as a chemical reaction in the form of bubbles will occur when it comes into contact with the bicarbonate.
Before scrubbing, allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes to mix the solution in the bowl. Be sure to spread this mixture onto every visible area above the waterline.
Let it work again.
You can mix again to make sure you soak up the stains thoroughly with your mixture.
Finally, scrub with the toilet brush before flushing the toilet.

Soda Crystals
This very effective cleaner has properties similar to baking soda, but is more corrosive. That is, you need to handle it with care and equip yourself with household gloves beforehand. How to make your toilet bowl shine again:
Start in a pot of water by heating some water.
In the bowl of your toilet, empty 2 tablespoons of soda crystals and then pour in the hot water.
Leave on for at least an hour, the longer you wait, the better the result.
You can then scrub with the toilet brush before flushing.
citric acid
Another product that is known to be a very good natural descaler is citric acid. How to clean your toilet bowl:
First pour hot water into the bowl, then add half a bag of citric acid.
The heat of the water activates the interaction between the citric acid and the limestone.
If possible, leave it overnight.
Then scrub with a toilet brush before flushing.
It is possible to repeat the process to overcome the most resistant traces.
While this solution isn’t truly natural, if you have leftover Coca-Cola, you should use it to clean your toilet instead of throwing it away. Simply pour the Coca-Cola directly onto the walls of the toilet bowl and then let it sit overnight. In the morning all you have to do is flush the toilet. If necessary, don’t hesitate to brush with the toilet brush.
Regular toilet bowl maintenance
In order to avoid these unsightly deposits as much as possible, regular care of your toilet bowl is necessary. As soon as you notice the appearance of tartar marks, act quickly to prevent the deposit from expanding, which happens relatively quickly. For hygiene reasons, make sure to clean the toilet seat well and also disinfect the flush button with household vinegar, for example. You can add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.

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