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The three sprigs of rosemary in a jar trick: why and how to put it into practice

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The wisdom and experience of our grandparents is an invaluable treasure that often offers us valuable tricks and tips that make our daily lives easier and more enjoyable. Among the many secrets passed down from generation to generation, there is one magical, fragrant ingredient that has been a staple in the kitchens and homes of Italian families for centuries: rosemary.

In this article we propose a custom that was widespread until a few years ago and then lost: it consists of using sprigs of rosemary in a jar to neutralize bad odors, especially in the refrigerator.

Scent the fridge with rosemary
Rosemary is an aromatic herb with a refreshing and pleasant scent. This herb is also known for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which can help keep the fridge clean and fight unpleasant odors. This is how you can do it:

Step 1: Purchase fresh rosemary sprigs from your grocery store or grow them at home if possible. Rosemary can be grown well in pots or in the garden.

Step 2: Get a jar or small jar with a lid that fits comfortably in the fridge.

Step 3: Remove the leaves from the rosemary sprigs and place them in the jar. You can easily crush them with your fingers to release more flavor.

Step 4: Cover the jar with the lid and make small holes in the lid to allow the aroma to spread.

Step 5: Place the jar of rosemary in the refrigerator, preferably on the top shelf or somewhere it won’t interfere with food organization.

Step 6: Change the rosemary sprigs every fortnight to keep the fresh scent lasting.

Three more household tricks with rosemary
Natural scent diffuser: Make a natural diffuser by adding a few sprigs of rosemary to a glass or pitcher of water. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to enhance the aroma. This natural diffuser can be placed in any room of the house to gently perfume it.

Natural Air Purification: To purify the air in your home, you can make a natural air freshener with rosemary. Pour hot water into a vessel and add some rosemary sprigs and lemon peel. Let it sit for a while, strain the liquid and pour it into a spray bottle. This mixture can be used to deodorize the air in the kitchen, bathroom or any other room in the house.
Insect repellent: Rosemary has repellent properties for many unwanted insects. To protect your home from mosquitoes and flies, you can make an insect repellent solution. Boil a few sprigs of rosemary in water for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool, fill the liquid in a spray bottle and spray around windows and doors to keep insects away.
In summary, rosemary is a versatile remedy that not only adds a fragrant and fresh vibe to your fridge, but can also be used in a variety of ways to perfume, clean, and protect your home. Try these simple and natural tricks to create a more comfortable and healthy environment in your home.

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