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How to Unclog Your Toilet Without a Suction Cup in 2 Min. Bye Bye Plumber.

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Are your toilets clogged? But you don’t have a suction cup at home? Rest assured ! The situation is far from desperate! This is what Greg, my plumber friend, explained to me when I had this kind of problem. Fortunately, he explained to me how to do it without using chemicals. And since then, I’ve been on my own. No need to call an expensive plumber anymore! Here are 9 proven tips for unclogging your toilet without a plunger . Look : Summary 1. Use baking soda and white vinegar For a homemade toilet unblocker, nothing beats the baking soda and vinegar duo. It’s a dreaded grandmother thing. And it’s arguably the most powerful drain cleaner you can make at home. And if we add hot water, we have a natural unblocker that removes your blockage. How to unclog a toilet with baking soda and vinegar? Easy ! You need to pour a cup of baking soda and a cup of white vinegar. Leave to act for 30 min. During this time, heat 3 liters of water. Then we pour it all at once into the bowl. Then we flush the toilet. 2. Use dishwashing liquid How to unclog toilets without a plunger and without vinegar? Do not panic ! One of the simplest methods to unclog them is to use dishwashing liquid . Many consider it a miracle solution for unclogging toilets in an emergency . We start by heating 4 liters of water. Be careful, you don’t need boiling water, only hot! During this time, add approximately 150 ml of dishwashing detergent. Now you have to wait for 10 minutes… You will see that the water level in the bowl begins to drop. For what ? Because the dishwashing liquid lubricates the clogged pipe. And this makes it easier to pass the cork. Now we pour in all the hot water at once and wait. We must hear gurgling… This is a sign that air is passing and water is starting to circulate again. All that remains is to flush the toilet, as explained in this tip for unblocking toilets without a plunger . 3. Pour a bucket of hot water to unclog the toilet If you think the cap is not too big, you can even do without dishwashing liquid. The action of hot water may be enough to unclog the toilet. We heat 4 liters of it. When it is very hot, not boiling, we pour it into a bucket. Then we empty the bucket all at once above the basin. Be careful not to burn yourself! Hot water helps dissolve organic matter. But the smart thing is to hold the bucket as high as possible and empty it as quickly as possible. This way, the force and speed of the water clears the blockage, especially if it is formed by toilet paper. Repeat the operation if necessary. 4. Use warm white vinegar Hot white vinegar? Yes, because it is even more powerful and efficient like that. To unblock toilets, mix 1 liter of water and 1/2 liter of white vinegar in a saucepan. Heat the mixture over low heat. In fact, it must not boil to avoid damage in the bowl. Pour the mixture into the bowl and wait 30 minutes. All that remains is to flush the toilet! 5. Use a metal hanger Not everyone has a drain cleaner or drain snake. But on the other hand, we always have a metal hanger at home. Know that you can easily make a homemade ferret with a hanger . To start, you have to unfold the hanger. You can help yourself with pliers. But keep the rounded end to make a hook. Wrap it with an old cloth. The cloth must be securely attached. This simple precaution prevents scratching the bottom of the toilet bowl. Pour 60 ml of dishwashing liquid or liquid soap. Wait 10 mins. Then insert the hanger and push with the end surrounded by the cloth. Move back and forth to clear the blockage or break it up. When the water level has dropped in the bowl, flush the toilet. 6. Use the toilet brush Don’t have a suction cup to remove blockages? But you definitely have a brush for cleaning toilets . Put on a pair of gloves and grab the brush. Push it as far into the hole as possible. And move it with rapid back and forth movements. The toilet brush creates pressure which will allow the blockage to be unblocked. Once the clog is cleared, you can flush the toilet. And that’s the job! Be aware that you may have to invest in a new toilet brush … 7. Use a mop You can do the same thing with a mop . If you have a Spanish broom , you can use it to unclog clogged toilets. Wrap the end of the broom with a plastic bag. Hold it securely with an elastic band or tape. Insert the end into the hole in the bowl. And move back and forth. This method works like a suction cup. Evacuation can then be done normally by flushing the toilet. 8. Use a plastic bottle How to unclog the toilet with a water bottle? Yes, the water bottle is another surprising method for unblocking toilets. You should use a 2 liter plastic bottle. Simply follow these steps to unclog a pipe with a bottle . Start by cutting the bottom of the bottle. Leave the cap firmly closed on the neck. Then place the cut part of the bottle into the toilet hole. Then move back and forth. This movement will expel toilet paper and excrement stuck in the pipe. 9. Unclog your toilet with cling film There is one last tip for unblocking toilets without tools . This is the use of cling film . You must cover the toilet bowl with cling film . There should not be any small holes through which air can pass. It must be very airtight. Then we flush the toilet. And the plastic film swells. With both hands, press on it to push the air towards the hole in the bowl. This creates a suction effect… like a suction cup! Result: no more blockages in the toilets! And there you have it, you now know how to unblock toilets without equipment… And without a plumber! Just follow these steps to unclog your toilet easily and quickly. And it also works for toilets on septic tanks or sanibroyeurs. Always try these tips before calling a plumber. You will make great savings! But above all, don’t use chemicals. And remember that bleach does not unclog toilets . Alas, if these things don’t work, you have to resort to calling a professional. How to avoid blocking the toilet? The best thing is to always avoid getting to that point, right? So, we need to understand what the causes are. The rule is that you must at all costs avoid throwing solid objects in there: plastic or cardboard packaging, condoms, etc. Don’t put the wipes in there either. They are not made to be flushed down the toilet. Instead, use the bathroom trash can to get rid of these items. Your turn… Have you tried these tips for unclogging your toilet without equipment? Leave your opinion in the comments to find out if it was effective for you. We look forward to reading you!

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