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Why does everyone pour coarse salt on the window sills? The reason is unthinkable!

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Today, we’re going to reveal to you why many people spread salt on their window sills . This is an amazing remedy that you have never thought of before!

How much salt is allowed to consume in a day?

Many people say that salt causes high blood pressure . Yes, it’s possible but it’s not the only thing that can increase blood pressure . Indeed, when you eat salt, you have glutamate which is the most concentrated in sodium. To do this, you have to be careful of excesses.

For this reason, some specialists believe that eliminating salt to treat high blood pressure is not suitable because other mineral elements can be used to treat high blood pressure. This is the case with potassium which can cause this health problem if it is not ingested correctly.

To do this, the World Health Organization or WHO has assessed the amount of salt to consume per day and it is limited to 5 grams per day . This quantity helps reduce high blood pressure as well as the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

However, you should not eliminate salt from your diet but should only consume it in moderate quantities. Eating 5 grams of salt per day is more than enough to provide the right amount of sodium to the body.

We also advise you to reduce the consumption of industrial foods and to read ingredient labels carefully because these products are full of salt. Ideally, prefer to prepare delicious meals using herbs and spices that can replace salt.

To enhance your recipes, you can use bay leaves , oregano, pepper or even garlic. These ingredients allow you to season your preparations without increasing the salt.

Why should you spread salt on your windows?

People don’t know but salt can be used in many ways beyond the kitchen walls. For example, salt is your best ally in repelling insects.

To do this, you need to pour a few teaspoons of this product on the window sills . There, you make a sort of barrier to prevent insects from entering your house, especially ants which can infest your interior in a short time.

Try it and you will see that this natural remedy allows you to put an end to the ant invasion.

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