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Foil paper in the toilet, the old grandparents’ method: because it is very important to do it

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Dedicating yourself to cleaning the house is often seen as a boring and complex activity that takes a lot of time. This especially happens when you have to deal with stains and incrustations that just won’t go away. Here, in this regard, how aluminum foil can make everything easier and faster.

In addition to the daily obligations that come with family and work, it is important   to find free time for household chores . In fact, daily  cleaning makes it harder for dust and  dirt to accumulate  . But it is also true that it is not always easy to achieve all of your goals in one day.

In order to save valuable time and   achieve excellent results , it is advisable to also consider the so-called “grandmother’s remedies”. In fact, with the use of a few simple tools, they allow us   to have a house that is always tidy and clean, without necessarily having to spend hours and hours of our hectic days doing household chores.

One of the most difficult areas of the house to clean is undoubtedly the  bathroom  , since we are all used to   using the sanitary facilities over and over again during the day. However, thanks to a small/big trick that not everyone knows, we will  always have a  perfectly tidy and stain-free bathroom with minimal effort and almost no cost.

Aluminum foil: our ally against dirt

How can a tool that is usually used in the kitchen help us clean the house? As you all know, aluminum foil is  perfect  for covering the containers in which we store our leftovers. But it can also be used in other ways: for example, to  remove the dirt  that forms very easily on bathroom fittings.

Household cleaning

To eliminate the small rust spots we often notice on  steel faucets  , simply take a sheet of aluminum foil and roll it up as best you can. Carefully  , without damaging the material, we can therefore proceed with the cleaning activity,  rubbing the aluminum foil over the area affected by dirt.

Observing this procedure, we will begin to notice the  effectiveness  of this simple method, and the rust stain will only be a distant and annoying memory.

Goodbye too limescale stains

After finding out that aluminum foil can help us get rid of the rust that usually forms on plumbing fixtures, let’s now look at how we can get rid of small limescale  stains  . So far, all we have done to address this problem is to test hundreds of specific products, but they often  come at a high  cost. In reality, in this case we only have to rely on the properties of the aluminum foil.

Bathroom cleaning

The procedure is the  same  as described before: Rub   our aluminum foil onto the limescale stain to be removed – with extreme gentleness and care . Even in this case we can note the effectiveness of home remedies, which can often represent a more than  valid  alternative to traditional methods.

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