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Put a plastic bag on the broom and say goodbye to the vacuum cleaner and broom

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Housework and household chores are often tedious and sweeping is the perfect example. Not only is this task time-consuming, but it can also be extremely stressful since it is done on a daily basis. Although the choice of broom is very important, it still depends on the right gestures. No need to despair, because thanks to a trick that is as surprising as it is effective, sweeping your floor will be child’s play!

Dusting the floor is an important activity as it helps maintain the cleanliness of a home. Here’s a tip on how to make this activity relaxing every day.

Why put a plastic bag on a broom?

Cleaning is one of those unchanging rituals that determine our daily life: tidying the room, doing the dishes, emptying the trash cans… so many  household chores  that most of us dread and that, in most cases, are constantly postponed. And if there is one task that does not require any special skills or knowledge, it is sweeping. In fact,  dusting the floor is a simple activity that can be carried out by any of us, provided we are endowed with patience and motivation  , especially if the apartment in question has several rooms or hosts children and pets. . Luckily, and thanks to a simple genius trick, you can make this task easier.

Someone to pass the broom
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Someone to pass the broom? – Source: spm

A simple plastic bag to clean your floors better

To always have a clean floor, you don’t have to use a vacuum cleaner. As you have probably understood, sometimes the simplest method is the most effective. In this sense, choosing the right broom is enough, but not only! With dust, hair, cat or dog hair lying everywhere and in every corner of your floor, a great ally will not be too much. In fact, and  to create the least amount of effort when sweeping the floor, all you need is a simple plastic bag  . As simple as it may seem, this object can only make this household task easier for you.

It’s not lost on you, but  the clumps of dust  , as well as the various hairs and hairs, get stuck irreparably in the bristles of the broom, making this job even more tedious than it already is. But covering the broom brush with a plastic bag prevents this. This way,  dust and hair won’t get caught in the bristles of the broom and you can remove them without getting your hands dirty  .

Several plastic bags
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Several plastic bags – source: spm

How do you properly clean your floor depending on its coating?

Cleaning the floor is a task that you must carry out with care and thoroughness. For good reason, there are different types of coatings, each of which has its own peculiarities and requires special attention.

Wash a PVC floor:  In this case you will have to  use a microfiber mop   soaked in a solution of white vinegar  and water . Baking soda is also a good alternative for cleaning floors. In addition, it is not recommended to use products that are considered too strong, such as black soap or bleach, on this type of surface.

Washing linoleum floors:  This type of flooring requires gentle and regular care. When washing, do not hesitate to use soapy water (you can use dishwashing detergent) and add white vinegar to degrease and make this type of floor shine  . Also remember to wring the mop properly and avoid excess water so as not to leave marks.

Washing parquet:  This type of coating is sensitive to water as this liquid can quickly penetrate between the floorboards, causing the parquet to warp. It is therefore necessary to wring the mop well before washing your floor and then dry it with a cloth. Finally  , you should also consider a good vacuum cleaner to rid your floor of pests that do not hesitate to attack this type of surface  .

If you put this trick into practice, dusting your floor won’t take as long as usual. This allows you to spend more energy and time on other household chores.

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